Can Tho shakes hands with German organisation to promote people diplomacy, business development

The Can Tho chapter of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), Germany's Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) and the Can Tho University on March 10 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in many areas, including people diplomacy and business.
Can Tho shakes hands with German organisation to promote people diplomacy, business development ảnh 1At the signing ceremony of the MoU (Photo: VNA)
Can Tho (VNA) – The Can Tho chapter of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), Germany's Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) and the Can Tho University on March 10 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in many areas, including people diplomacy and business.

Under the MoU, the parties will work together in programmes and projects on people diplomacy in combination with education, implementing a project to promote sustainable urban development and environmental protection, and organising conferences to discuss issues related to environment, climate change and international economy.

They will also conduct research and exchange research results on enhancing the capacity of businesses in the Mekong Delta.

The MoU will be implemented from 2022 to 2024.

Addressing the signing ceremony, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho Nguyen Trung Nhan underlined that the deal will open new opportunities for the city to strengthen people diplomacy and expand partnership in science, technology and business.

Nhan said that activities implemented within the framework of the MoU will help the city adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate changes, and help local firms seek more partners.

Meanwhile, President of the VUFO's chapter in Can Tho Le Thi Thanh Giang said that the partnership will help reinforce the friendship between people of Can Tho and Germany, while fostering connections between the business communities of both sides. She hoped that the deal will help encourage more German non-governmental organisations to conduct social welfare projects in the city, helping the locality speed up poverty reduction and promote sustainable urban development.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Stoffers, FNF Country Director in Vietnam said that the MoU will help link the parties for stronger sustainable development of Can Tho and the Mekong Delta region as a whole. He expressed belief that the partnership will contribute to speeding up post-pandemic economic recovery of Vietnam.

Founded in 1958, the FNF has representative offices in 60 countries and territories. Its office in Vietnam was opened in 2021, aiming to support the growth of Vietnam’s market economy./.


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