Car bomb injures two in southern Thailand

Two people were injured in a car bombing on June 26 in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat.
Car bomb injures two in southern Thailand ảnh 1A car bombing injures two men and destroys vending stalls in Narathiwat (Source:

Bangkok (VNA) – Two people were injured in a car bombing on June 26 in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat. 

Witnesses said an attacker drove a truck loaded with a bomb and left it near the local operation base of the special force. The man was then whisked away on a motorcycle driven past the spot by his accomplices just a few minutes before the bomb blew up.

Initial investigation has revealed that the attackers might be connected to a similar bombing in Samui in Surat Thani which killed seven people last year.

On the same day, search teams of the Thai army have expanded searching area for the UH-1 helicopter which went missing with three officers on board on June 25 in the country’s east mountainous area.

The UH-1 helicopter transported telecommunications equipment and food supplies to a radar base in Khao Chamao in Chanthaburi province.-VNA


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