Caricature contest responds to fight against corruption

A caricature drawing contest on anti-corruption was launched in Hanoi on June 22 by the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Caricature contest responds to fight against corruption ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) - A caricature drawing contest on anti-corruption was launched in Hanoi on June 22 by the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

This is part of activities in response to the fight against corruption - one of the issues of public concern at present.

The contest is open for both professional and amateur cartoonists, who are Vietnamese citizens aged from 18 upwards.

The entries should reflect issues related to anti-corruption, criticize and condemn negative phenomena, which cause public concern, and at the same time support  good deeds and self-criticism in the anti-corruption work.

The works submitted are required to be caricatured from 2016-2018. Each candidate is allowed to send up to 10 works with or without captions using A3 or A4 sized-papers or those drawn by graphic design software.

General Director of the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition Vi Kien Thanh said the event aims to contribute to the fight against corruption.

The submitted caricatures will be exhibited in many localities nationwide, he added.

As scheduled, a caricature exhibition themed “Preventing and combating corruption” will take place in October 2018 at the Vietnam Women’s Museum. Relevant information could be found at


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