Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line changing travel habits

Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban metro line has been operating for nearly a year now. There are plenty of passengers, especially during rush hour, which contributes greatly to reducing traffic congestion in Hanoi.
Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line changing travel habits ảnh 1Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro is the first urban railway of the city as well as the whole country, which has been put into operation for nearly a year. (Photo: Huy Hung/Vietnam+)

Hanoi (VNA)- After one year of operation, the Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban railway has proven the advantages of a fast mass transport mode, a civilized and modern mode of transport, and is the backbone of public transportation.

This metro line also contributes to changing people's travel habits, limiting personal cars, and reducing urban traffic congestion.

Around this issue, a reporter from VietnamPlus Electronic Newspaper had a conversation with Mr. Vu Hong Truong, General Director of Hanoi Metro One Member Limited Liability Company (Hanoi Metro).

- How do you evaluate the efficiency of the Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban railway after one year of operation and exploitation?

Mr. Vu Hong Truong: From November 6, 2021, Hanoi has put into operation the first urban railway line of the city as well as the whole country. By November 4, 2022, the railway transported nearly 7.5 million passengers safely.

Every day, there are about 10,000 people taking monthly tickets. On a normal day, there are over 32,000 passengers, and on weekends, the figure ranges from 26,000-28,000. Less people are taking the train just for the ride, now almost all people on the trains are headed to and from work.

When put into operation, this urban railway has contributed to reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollution on the corridor of the route.

- With the number of visitors continuously increasing, has the people's travel habits changed and Metro is the inevitable future of urban transport, sir?

Mr. Vu Hong Truong: The Cat Linh-Ha Dong train coming into operation has proved the advantages of the modern civilized mass transit mode of the world and is the backbone of large urban public passenger transport. I think, it also helps solve the problem of urban traffic at the root. The results of its operation is the best compared with what the Ministry of Transport had agreed with Hanoi city.

This result is very important. Through operation, people have gradually changed their travel habits and gradually created a culture of traffic participation, a culture of using public transport in a civilized, safe and friendly manner. If in the past people said that they did not want to go 200-300m, but now it is ok for them to walk 1-2km to access public transport, and obviously, this contributes to limiting personal cars, reducing urban traffic congestion.

- So, can you clarify what is the reason for this success?

Mr. Vu Hong Truong: The Cat Linh-Ha Dong Metro is operating well and attracting a large number of passengers. This is thanks to the drastic intervention of the whole political system from the Government, ministries and agencies and Hanoi authorities. We’ve also utilized feedback from people and the best efforts of the staff of Metro Hanoi, who have had to overcome lot of difficulties to complete the assigned mission.

To help a metro line to come into operation and promote its efficiency, we always listen respectfully to feedback. This helps us to grasp the characteristics of travel demand to put charts and operating methods to ensure the best convenience for people and save the city's budget. This process is continuously improving and non-stop.

Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line changing travel habits ảnh 2Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban railway has transported nearly 7.5 million passengers safely. (Photo: Huy Hung/Vietnam+)

Metro Cat Linh-Ha Dong applies a cheap and flexible fare policy that is attractive and fair. This program fits urban areas when people mostly travel short and medium distances./.


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