Central localities need to boost administrative reform to increase PCI

Central localities need to boost administrative reform to increase competitiveness index

Local authorities in the central coastal and Central Highlands areas should remove post-licensing obstacles and improve inspection activities to boost their provincial competitiveness index (PCI), an official has said.
Central localities need to boost administrative reform to increase competitiveness index ảnh 1Local authorities in the central coastal and Central Highlands areas should remove post-licensing obstacles and improve inspection activities to boost their provincial competitiveness index (Illustrative photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Local authorities in the central coastal and Central Highlands areasshould remove post-licensing obstacles and improve inspection activities toboost their provincial competitiveness index (PCI), an official has said.

Accordingto Chairman of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Vu Tien Loc,a survey – carried out to compile the Vietnam Provincial Competitiveness Index(PCI) 2017 report – showed that 7 percent of enterprises in the CentralHighlands had to wait for over three months after being licensed to have allpaperwork for their official operation completed, while the average figure for otherregions was between 2 and 3 percent.

There were14 percent of firms in the central coastal region reported experiencingoverlapped inspection content, while 18 percent said the inspection created abreeding ground for improper activity by some of the inspectors. The figuresfor the Central Highlands were 15 and 24 percent, respectively – the highestnationwide.

Loc saidefforts to cut informal fees are necessary, as 62 percent of the enterprises surveyedin the central coastal region and 65 percent of their peers in in CentralHighlands said they faced difficulties caused by administrative personnel. Thetwo regions’ sub-indices on transparency and informal fees were ranked fifthand sixth respectively, and the lowest among those regions involved inthe PCI 2017 report.

Hesuggested that strengthening the connection among provinces and cities in thecentral coastal region, particularly in investment attraction and businessclimate improvement, is an important move.

Dau AnhTuan, Director of the VCCI’s Legal Department and a member of the PCI surveyteam, said companies in the two regions demand a fairer business climate. Atotal of 48 percent of them pointed to the fact that local authorities often prioritisetackling foreign businesses’ obstacles over those of domestic businesses.

Of CentralHighlands firms, 79 percent agreed that most local business resources are ownedby companies which had established a close relationship with the authorities.

Tuanhighlighted that transparent, professional, and trustable administrativeprocedures are a pivotal factor needed for these localities to increase theirannual number of newly established enterprises.

Despite severalshortcomings, both regions recorded positive PCI increases, with the centralcoastal region scoring 63.09 points and the Central Highlands 60.05 points.Their respective points for 2016 were 59.8 and 56.92.

The PCIReport is an annual joint project between the VCCI and the US Agency forInternational Development (USAID). It has been produced annually since 2005 toassess the ease of doing business, economic governance, and administrativereform efforts by the provinces and cities in Vietnam in order to promote thedevelopment of the private sector.

The 2017PCI Report was the 13th iteration and was based on responses from 12,000enterprises, including more than 10,200 domestic private enterprises from 63cities and provinces and nearly 1,800 foreign invested enterprises in 21provinces in the country.

It revealedoptimism among private and foreign business communities and helps to raisetheir economic prospects.

Fifty-twopercent of PCI 2017 respondents in the domestic survey said they planned to broadenthe size of their operations over the next two years, the highest level since2011, while the number of firms planning on scaling down or closing theirbusiness was extremely low at 8 percent. -VNA

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