The course washeld by Department of Child Care and Protection under the Ministry of Labours,Invalids and Social Affairs in coordination with Binh Duong province, with theaim of providing basic knowledge for children when joining group activities aswell as how to notice signs of abused children.
The participants weretaught skills to exercise their participation rights, skills in negotiation,planning and self-protection, among others.
The same day, aconference took place in Ho Chi Minh City to look for ways to prevent and stopthe abuse and trafficking of children.
According tostatistics of the city’s Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs,there were 104 cases of child abuse reported in the city during 2016 and thefirst half of 2017.
Nguyen Van Tinh,deputy head of the Child Care and Protection Office under the Department saidthat many families of the victims did not report their cases to authorities,making it more difficult for investigation.
Lawyer Tran ThiNgoc Nu stressed the necessity to raise awareness for women, as mothers shouldreport and calmly gather evidence when there are signs that their children arevictims of abuse.
Participants suggestedthat stricter penalty should be imposed on child abuse criminals while lawenforcement agencies should be more flexible in collecting evidence. They alsocalled for specialised training for female police officers on child abuseinvestigation.-VNA