Chinese senior military official visits Myanmar

Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China Fan Chanlong on July 22 arrived in Yangon for an official visit within the framework of his three-country tour of Kazakhstan , Myanmar and Thailand.
Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China Fan Chanlong on July 22 arrived in Yangon for an official visit within the framework of his three-country tour of Kazakhstan , Myanmar and Thailand.

In a statement at the Yangon International Airport , Fan said his visit this time is to further consolidate the China-Myanmar comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership.

It also aims at strengthening awareness, sharing viewpoints, boosting cooperation between the two countries and the two armed forces, as well as making joint efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region.

He stressed that in the new historical era, the further enhancement of practical cooperation between the two sides not only meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also contributes to the maintenance of the regional and global peace and stability.

During his stay in Myanmar, Fan is expected to meet Myanmar leaders and the Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Defence Services Min Aung Hlang.-VNA

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