Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought

In Quang Binh province, dozens of local reservoirs are running out of water which puts the summer-fall rice crop of 2018-2019 at risk.
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 1Reservoirs in Quang Binh province faces water shortage at the start of dry season (Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 2Crops are facing water shortage (Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 3A field in Quang Binh Province suffers from severe drought (Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 4(Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 5(Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 6Irrigation lakes and canals dry up (Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 7(Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 8Large-capacity irrigation pumps are used widely in Quang Binh province to reduce impacts of drought on crops (Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 9(Photo: VNA)
Climate change: Quang Binh faces severe drought ảnh 10(Photo: VNA)

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