Committee on strengthening national productivity needed

The Government needs to establish a national strengthening productivity committee to better labour productivity, thus promoting the economic growth, said Director General of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam Nguyen Bich Lam on August 7.
Committee on strengthening national productivity needed
Committee on strengthening national productivity needed ảnh 1Director General of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam Nguyen Bich Lam (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Government needs to establish a national strengthening productivity committee to better labour productivity, thus promoting the economic growth, said Director General of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam Nguyen Bich Lam on August 7.

At a conference on improving national labour productivity held in Hanoi, Lam stressed the national strategy on enhancing Vietnam’s labour productivity should be carried out with specific targets in different stages so that the country will not lag behind neighbouring countries in the region in terms of labour productivity growth.

Besides setting up the committee, the Government should send delegations to Singapore, Japan and the Republic of Korea to study their experience in the field.

Accordingly, Lam suggested launching a campaign on improving productivity in all economic sectors, and a month on enhancing national productivity should be held as a highlight.

Businesses should be put at the centre of the Government’s policies, he said, adding the Government should create favourable conditions for local firms to better technology capacity in order to increase labour productivity.

In addition, breakthrough measures should be deployed to encourage companies to re-arrange their production and organisation to optimise labour productivity, the official underlined.

It is necessary to implement preferential policies in land, taxes and credit for any firm with advanced technology production line. The Government should encourage local businesses to join global value chain to better productivity, he said.

Furthermore, Lam stressed salary policy should be reformed, ensuring harmony between salary increase and better labour productivity.-VNA 

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