Communist parties boost exchange on theoretical study

The Communist Parties of Vietnam (CPV) and France (PCF) have agreed to enhance ties, especially in the sharing of theoretical studies.
The Communist Parties of Vietnam (CPV) and France (PCF) have agreed to enhance ties, especially in the sharing of theoretical studies.

The agreement was reached on Nov. 13 by Hoang Binh Quan, Head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and Jean-Charles Negre, member of the coordinating committee for the PCF, during the former’s working visit to France.

Quan briefed the French communists on the CPV’s preparations for its XI th national congress, supplements to and development of its 1991 Platform, as well as Vietnam ’s socio-economic development orientations and strategies for the 2011-2020 period.

The French communists praised Vietnam ’s socialist-oriented economic development model and the special traditional relations between the two parties.

During their talks, the Vietnamese and French communists shared the view that the current global economic crisis offers a chance for researchers and theorists to devise appropriate new political strategies, especially as the French side is designing a new political plan.

Earlier on November 12, Vietnamese officials visited the headquarters of the Socialist Party of France (PS) and met with Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, Secretary of the PS Central Committee in charge of external affairs.

The Vietnamese communists and PS members discussed international issues of mutual concern, the development of the left-wing movement in the world as well as measures to elevate the relationship between the CPV and the PS./.

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