Hanoi (VNA) – A conference promoting investment anddevelopment cooperation in Hanoi is scheduled to take place on June 27, withthe aim of popularising the capital city as a safe and attractive destinationfor investors.
At a meeting held on June 22 to reviewpreparations for the conference, Director of the Hanoi Promotion Agency NguyenGia Phuong said nearly 10 provinces and centrally-run cities, along with 540businesses, including 120 foreign firms, have confirmed their participation inthe upcoming event, entitled “Hanoi 2020 – Investment and DevelopmentCooperation”.
Via this conference, the city will show itsdetermination to take the lead in post-COVID-19 economic recovery anddevelopment. The event is also expected to help press on with administrativereforms, business climate improvement and introduction of the potential andinvestment opportunities in the city and other localities in the Hanoi CapitalRegion.
According to the municipal Department ofPlanning and Investment, the Hanoi People’s Committee plans to hand overlicenses to 116 projects worth 339.67 trillion VND (14.7 billion USD) in total,including 266.23 trillion VND of additional capital, at the conference. Theyinclude 33 projects on housing and urban development, 19 office buildingprojects, 12 tourism and service projects, 32 industrial projects, and 12cultural-social ones.
Secretary of the municipal Party Committee VuongDinh Hue said the conference will take place at an important time as it willreflect Hanoi’s sense of responsibility towards the dual tasks of fightingagainst COVID-19 and boosting socio-economic development.
The event will send out a message that Vietnam,including Hanoi, is a safe and attractive destination for investors, he noted,highlighting its importance to not only the realisation of this year’s targetsbut also local development in the years to come./.