Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period

As the national news agency, the Vietnam News Agency has received great attentions from Party and State leaders, especially during the 1960-1970 period.
Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period ảnh 1 President Ho Chi Minh (R) talks with Vietnam News Agency's reporter Tue Oanh (L) about covering the third National Assembly general election in 1964. Photo: VNA
Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period ảnh 2 President Ho Chi Minh, Vice President Ton Duc Thang and National Assembly Chairman Truong Chinh pose for a photo with Vietnam News Agencies reporters during the third Party Congress in 1960. Photo: VNA
Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period ảnh 3Party General Secretary Le Duan (black hat) visits the Vietnam News Agency headquarters on February 14, 1967. Photo: VNA
Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period ảnh 4 Party General Secretary Le Duan (centre) visits the Vietnam News Agency's photo news room on February ​14, 1967. Photo: VNA
Country's leaders with Vietnam News Agency in the 1960-1970 period ảnh 5 Prime Minister Pham Van Dong visits Vietnam News Agency's photo news room. Photo: VNA

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