COVID-19 fight gains additional support

A large number of State agencies and enterprises have made donations to the fight against COVID-19 over the last few days as the country is exerting every effort to contain the latest outbreak.
COVID-19 fight gains additional support ảnh 1Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency Dinh Dang Quang (fourth from left) hands over the donations worth 450 million VND to Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Ngo Sach Thuc on June 1 (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) - A large number of State agencies and enterprises have made donations to the fight against COVID-19 over the last few days as the country is exerting every effort to contain the latest outbreak.

On June 1, the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Bloc organised a fundraising programme where each staff member contributed at least one day’s salary to the fight against COVID-19.

At a similar event on the same day, the Ministry of Finance raised 5 billion VND (217,700 USD) for the COVID-19 vaccine fund and anti-pandemic efforts.

The Vietnam News Agency also held a programme on May 31 to call for aid for the fight, donating 450 million VND to help procure vaccines and medical supplies and assist quarantine sites and COVID-19 treatment centres.

The Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises launched a fundraising campaign on the same day.

Since April 27, many businesses under the commission have made contributions to disease prevention and control activities, including Vietnam Electricity (EVN), with 37.6 billion VND, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) with 50 billion VND, and the Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) with 6 billion VND. Vietnam Airlines has transported healthcare personnel, vaccines, and vaccination materials free of charge.

Meanwhile, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs has also moved to raise donations.

All contributions were handed over to the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee, which will coordinate the distribution of assistance.

At a May 27 event held by the VFF Central Committee to call for support for the COVID-19 fight, State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed that the country is now in need of contributions from every person, and appealed to citizens from all social strata both at home and abroad, businesses in all economic sectors, organisations, religious practitioners, and people from other countries to join hands with the entire Party, people, and army to defeat the pandemic./.

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