Customs sector moves to shorten clearance time

The General Department of Customs has said that the sector will continue reducing customs clearance time for exports and imports and simplifying administrative procedures.

The move aims to improve the country’s business environment and enhance the national competitiveness edge in 2017 and with orientations towards 2020.

The sector expects to cut customs clearance time for exports and imports to below 70 hours and 90 hours, respectively, by the end of this year and by 2020, these durations will be shortened to below 60 hours and 80 hours, respectively.

To realise the targets, online public services will be intensified and transaction results are available either online or by post, upon request.

The sector also aims to complete the Vietnam Automated Cargo and Port Consolidated System and Vietnam Customs Information System and implement the second phase of the project once it is approved.

 It will submit to the Government for approval of the national and ASEAN one-stop mechanisms.-VNA