Hanoi (VNA) - There were over 4,100 cyberattacks targeting Vietnam’s information systems in the first 10 months of 2020,down 7.8 percent against the same period last year, the National Cyber SecurityCentre (NCSC) under the Ministry of Information and Communications’ Authorityof Information Security has reported.
There were 582 attacks in October - a year-on-yearincrease of 0.34 percent, it further said.
To ensure cyber security for internet users in Vietnam, sincemid-September the NCSC has partnered with 21 IT firms, including many leadingcorporations such as VNPT, Viettel, BKAV, and FPT, to conduct a nationwidecampaign on detecting and removing malware, Director Tran Quang Hung said.
As a result, by mid-October, the number of IP addresses inthe network of “zombie” or hijacked computers (IP Botnet) in Vietnam sharplydecreased from more than 2 million to some 1.3 million, he noted.
The centre also supported the detection of malware and the supervisionof cyber security in more than 100,000 computers at various ministries andgovernmental organisations.
A report from the authorityindicated that more than 70 percent of ministries, governmental organisations,and local administrations had applied four-tier security systems as of the beginningof October. The rate is expected to reach 100 percent by the end of this year, afterthe Prime Minister requested that a basis be laid for boosting digitaltransformation and developing e-Government.
Global research by a number of reputable security firms showthat although malware infections in Vietnam have decreased recently, they were stillhigh compared to other countries.
Figures show that the country had about 16million computer addresses following the 4th generation internet protocol (IPv4)as of mid-September. About 3 million IP addresses were frequently blacklistedby many international organisations./.