Czech newspaper highlights protest against China’s actions in East Sea

The Czech online daily has run an article on the protest staged by the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic to raise objections to China’s militarisation policy in the East Sea.
Czech newspaper highlights protest against China’s actions in East Sea ảnh 1Protest of the Vietnamese community in front of Chinese Embassy in Prague (Source:

Prague (VNA) – The Czech online daily on April 29 run an article on the protest staged by the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic to raise objections to China’s policy of militarisation in the East Sea.

The article wrote that around 200 Vietnamese people gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Prague to oppose China’s actions on the Vietnamese territory.

At the event, a letter condemning China’s escalating militarisation in Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos was sent to the Chinese Embassy in the Czech Republic.

The letter was read out in Vietnamese, Czech and English in front of the embassy’s headquarters.

In the five-point letter, the overseas Vietnamese requested China to immediately stop its illegal reclamation of man-made islands and militarisation in the East Sea, and not threaten its neighbouring countries as well as Vietnamese fishermen.

They also asked China to withdraw from islands in the two archipelagoes that it illegally occupied, give up its irrational “nine-dash line” claim and observe international maritime law.

China must respect Vietnam’s territorial integrity and behave responsibly in ensuring peace and stability in the region, the letter said.-VNA


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