Da Lat tourism map to better serve visitors

A tourism map for the Central Highlands city of Da Lat is being completed to better serve visitors to the Lam Dong culture-festival week scheduled for late 2013 in the city.
A tourism map for the Central Highlands city of Da Lat is being completed to better serve visitors to the Lam Dong culture-festival week scheduled for late 2013 in the city.

According to the festival’s organising board, the map will provide detailed and exact information on the city’s tourism infrastructure.

It will also show tour routes, typical local tourism products, certified accommodation and restaurants.

The maps will be provided free to tourists and travel businesses in and out of the locality to serve tourists’ demand for information.

Current maps and guide books on Da Lat are not up to date, thus the new standardised one is a must.

Later this year, Da Lat city will host the culture-festival week, including big events like the fifth Da Lat flower festival, the first Vietnam-ASEAN UNESCO heritage festival, Da Lat city’s 120 th anniversary, and the announcement of the 2014 National Central Highlands – Da Lat Tourism Year.

The events are expected to attract many visitors, from both home and abroad.

In 2012, the Culture, Tourism and Trade Exchange Week took place in Da Lat city from December 30 to January 5, comprising of a trade fair, a cuisine festival, an exhibition on Da Lat history and an arts and culture exchange programme with Ho Chi Minh City.-VNA

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