Da Nang (VNA) - The central city of DaNang has been included in a list of 52 places to go in 2019 by The NewYork Times, which has an international readership.
As the third-largest city of Vietnam, Da Nanghas gone from a place that is "best known for being a gateway to UNESCOHeritage town of Hai An" to an attraction "with a strong foodiescene and new hotels and resorts popping up on a five-mile-long beachstrip", according to the newspaper.
It advises travelers not to leave without havinga bowl of ‘mi Quang’ (Quang noodle soup), "the justifiablyfamous local noodle soup," which is only 1 USD at any street-food stall.
Last year, the number of visitors to Da Nang increased15.5 percent year-on-year to 7.6 million in 2018, including 2.8 millionforeigners, a 23.3 percent increase from a year earlier, according to the municipalDepartment of Tourism.-VNA