Deep processing expected to boost agriculture sector

The export of raw farm produce has suffered greatly from tumbling prices, which cause major losses for farmers. Such a situation is now expected to improve due to deep processing and the diversification of agricultural products.

This company has its own strategy for its rice products. Instead of polishing the rice well in advance, it is polished right before being delivered to customers. To ensure the highest possible quality, it uses a partial polishing technique, which was carefully studied for three years. 

For aquatic products, given global buyers’ stricter standards on origin, safety, and value, deep processing has been applied by many domestic firms. In doing so, enterprises hope to target high-end markets with more stable demand to survive the global uncertainties. 

Though acknowledging the importance of deep processing, local companies still face difficulties implementing the task. Obstacles include quality input, technology, and higher production costs. 

According to experts, Vietnam’s agriculture sector has the potential to develop further, especially with deep processing. In order to realise that end, synchronised measures must be implemented, including in the legal framework, investment attraction efforts, science and technology development, and logistic infrastructure development, etc./.