Defence Minister receives Cuban Ambassador

Minister of National Defence General Ngo Xuan Lich highlighted the close relationship between Vietnam and Cuba while receiving Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera in Hanoi on December 12.
Defence Minister receives Cuban Ambassador ảnh 1Minister of National Defence General Ngo Xuan Lich ​(R) and Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of National Defence General Ngo Xuan Lich highlighted the close relationship between Vietnam and Cuba while receiving Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera in Hanoi on December 12.

He said Vietnam remembers the great support of the Cuban Party, Government, people and army for Vietnam’s revolutionary cause and national construction.

The minister applauded bilateral defence cooperation, especially several high-level exchanges in 2017.

The two sides signed multiple defence cooperation documents, with the most noteworthy being a cooperation plan during 2017-2019 covering 14 spheres, contributing to consolidating the friendship between the two countries and improving their defence capacity, he said.

Lich expressed his belief that the ambassador will successfully fulfill her tasks in Vietnam, helping promote traditional fraternity between the two Parties, Governments, peoples and armies.

Rivera said Cuba treasures its ties with Vietnam and considers defence cooperation a pillar in the relationship.

She also affirmed Cuba’s further support for Vietnam’s national development. -VNA

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