Hanoi (VNA) – Businesses,especially startups, play a very important role in creating new momentum forthe national economy, said Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh.
Speaking at the sixth national congressof the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association (VYEA) in Hanoi on August 28, Binhemphasised the need to push ahead with the startup campaign among youths,especially young intellectuals, in order to increase forces for the fourthIndustrial Revolution.
The Deputy PM urged the VYEA to promoteits role in protecting legitimate rights and interests of startups and youngentrepreneurs, and proposed guidelines and policies to the Party and State inorder to create favourable conditions for young entrepreneurs to devote more tothe nation.
Startups and young entrepreneurs shouldimprove their governance capacity, take the lead in innovation and theapplication of new and advanced technologies, raise productivity, quality andcompetitiveness, support each other and join the global value chain, hesuggested.
The Government will create all possibleconditions for young entrepreneurs and help them remove difficulties to moveforward, the Deputy PM pledged.
The association reported that nearly 10,000 of its members created 3 million jobs inthe 2015-2018 period.
Over the past fouryears, it held more than 200 trade promotion activities and generated some 25billion USD in average annual revenue.
In the 2018-2021tenure, the VYEA aims to improve its performance toward practical outcomes,make contributions to economic-related draft laws and develop businessincubator programmes.
The congress elected the VYEA CentralCommittee for the 2018-2021 tenure with 113 members. Dang Hong Anh, ViceChairman of TTC Group was elected as president of the association, who issupported by six vice presidents.
On this occasion, the VYEA CentralCommittee of the 2014-2017 term received certificates of merit bestowed byPrime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth UnionCentral Committee.-VNA