Deputy PM hails Mitsubishi’s participation in thermal power plant

Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has praised efforts made by Japanese investors, including Mitsubishi Corporation, in carrying out the Vung Ang 2 thermo power plant project located in the central province of Ha Tinh. ​
Deputy PM hails Mitsubishi’s participation in thermal power plant ảnh 1Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and Senior Vice President of Mitsubishi Yoshinori Katayama (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has praised efforts made by Japanese investors, including Mitsubishi Corporation, in carrying out the Vung Ang 2 thermo power plant project located in the central province of Ha Tinh. 

At a meeting with Yoshinori Katayama, Senior Vice President of Mitsubishi, an important shareholder of the project, in Hanoi on September 18, Deputy PM Dung asked the stakeholders to accelerate negotiations on the project in order to facilitate its implementation, ensuring interests of all related parties.  

On this occasion, the official reiterated the request that all thermoelectric projects must meet both environmental and technological requirements.

The Government will create optimal conditions for investors to apply state-of-the-art technologies and protect the environment, he stressed.

Sharing the investors’ concerns over factors hindering the operation of the Vung Ang 2 thermo power plant project, Dung assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Ministry of Finance to team up with the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) to seek solutions to the pending negotiations.

Yoshinori Katayama thanked the Vietnamese Government’s support for the stakeholders to fast-track the negotiation process, saying the concerned parties have reached consensus on major contents.

The Vung Ang 2 plant has a total capacity of 1,200 MW, with the first turbine to be put into operation in 2021 while the second will become operational one year later.
However, the project is facing some obstacles despite long negotiations among stakeholders.-VNA 

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