Speaking at an April 15 reception in Hanoifor Matthias Fekl, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Promotion ofTourism and French Nationals Abroad under the Ministry of ForeignAffairs and International Development, Deputy PM Hai hailed the resultsof the 3 rd annual Vietnam-France high-level economic dialogue.
He suggested that the two sides accelerate the implementation ofjoint agreements, including the “Vietnam Natural Resources, Environmentand Disaster–monitoring Satellite” (VNREDSat-1); the Hanoi railwayproject (Nhon-Hanoi Station section); and the MoU between GDF Suez andVietnam National Oil and Gas (PetroVietnam) group.
For his part, Fekl briefed the Deputy PM on the results from working with the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
He expressed his hope that the two nations would boost theircooperation in aviation, satellite supply, energy and infrastructure.-VNA