The website allows the online registration of “green lane”status granted to vehicles transporting essential goods. “Green lane” vehicles receive a QR code, enabling them to pass through COVID-19 medical checkpoints without lengthy waits. This aims to facilitate thesmooth circulation of necessities throughout the nation amid the COVID-19resurgence.
Lieut. Gen. Xo said an initial investigation showed that as the system was built in avery short time, the system service provider - An Vui technology company -failed to prepare security protection solution, while incorrect estimation of the number of users resulted in overload.
Although there was no cyber attack into the system,technical analysis showed that there are signs of illegal access to stealregistration data, he said.
He added that the ministry has asked relevant agencies torecover the operations of the system.
Earlier, the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam said the website at http://luongxanh.drvn.gov.vnwas reportedly attacked by hackers with about 500 requests per second onaverage, repeatedly crashing the system and preventing it from functioningnormally.
It has disrupted the processing of applications for “green lane” status. Loadsof complaints have been sent to the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam and localDepartments of Transport nationwide as transport firms said that they could notaccess the website for hours.
The issue is considered serious given that a very largenumber of vehicles are applying for the “green lane” to go through the capitalcity of Hanoi, which has imposed social distancing order since early morning onJuly 24 to contain the spread of COVID-19./.