Distressed fishing ship safely towed to land

The Naval Region 4 High Command and a fisheries surveillance unit on March 6 handed over 12 fishermen and their vessel to authorities of the south-central province of Khanh Hoa.
Distressed fishing ship safely towed to land ảnh 1A fishing boat towed at sea (Photo: VNA)
Khanh Hoa (VNA) - The Naval Region 4 High Command and a fisheries surveillance unit on March 6 handed over 12 fishermen and their vessel to authorities of the south-central province of Khanh Hoa.

The BTh 97497 TS encountered an accident about 6 nautical miles northwest of Sinh Ton Dong island of Khanh Hoa’s Truong Sa island district.

The captain had to send out a distress call at sea since the ship suffered an engine breakdown.

Truong Sa 20 vessel of Brigade 955 of Naval Region 4 towed the fishing ship to Sinh Ton Dong island and helped fix the problem. The distressed fishermen received medical checkup and treatment.

On March 3, per request of the captain, relevant agencies began to tow the ship to land as it needs further repair./.

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