Doctors of Vietnam’s field hospital in South Sudan receive UN delegation

Doctors of Vietnam’s Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 in Bentiu, South Sudan, have recently received a United Nations (UN) delegation led by Assistant Secretary-General for Supply Chain Management Christian Saunders.
Doctors of Vietnam’s field hospital in South Sudan receive UN delegation ảnh 1Vietnamese peacekeeping officers (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Doctors of Vietnam’s Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 in Bentiu, South Sudan, have recently received a United Nations (UN) delegation led by Assistant Secretary-General for Supply Chain Management Christian Saunders.

The delegation came to Bentiu to survey the consequences of South Sudan’s largest flood in the past 60 years, according to the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations.

The flood, which lasts from May 2021, has severely affected the lives of people and the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)’s staff members, and is forecast to worsen as there is just one month left before the rainy season comes.

They discussed several issues related to the flood situation, logistics, food and aviation safety.

The delegation also showed their impression with the reception as well as dishes and drinks prepared by the Vietnamese field hospital’s staff members, as they used eco-friendly tableware.

After the meeting, the head of the UN’s logistics sector paid an unscheduled visit to Vietnam’s Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 to encourage its staff members to uphold their achievements and overcome difficulties amid complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing floods./.

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