Dong Nai updates reproductive health information for female workers

More than 1000 female workers aged 20–40 at Taekwang Vina Co. Ltd, a company owned by the Republic of Korea, were given advice on reproductive health and relevant laws at Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Park in the southern province of Dong Nai on October 19.
More than 1000 female workers aged 20–40 at Taekwang Vina Co. Ltd, a company owned by the Republic of Korea, were given advice on reproductive health and relevant laws at Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Park in the southern province of Dong Nai on October 19.

Lao Dong Newspaper, the Dong Nai Labour Federation, the Justice Initiative Facilitation Fund (JIFF) and the General Department for Population and Family Planning jointly hosted the event.

During the consultation session, questions on sexual health, childcare methods and reproductive service, as well as policies and regulations to prevent domestic violence and child abuse, were answered by lawyers and experts in the field.

In addition to providing medical advice, the programme also included fun activities and small competitions.-VNA

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