Dong Thap moves to promote eco-tourism

The Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap is stepping up the development of agro-ecotourism, community tourism and other types of eco-tourism, aiming to give new experiences to holidaymakers.

Such models help to protect the environment, promote local culture, lengthen value chains, raise farm produce values and generate jobs for rural residents.

One of the examples is Sa Dec flower village in Sa Dec city, where local residents are encouraged to upgrade infrastructure and offer services to attract visitors.

Tourists from Ho Chi Minh City and adjacent localities have also flocked to Dong Thap during weekends and holidays for boat trips around immense lotus ponds and enjoy special cuisines made from lotus.

Dong Thap has encouraged local people to engage in tourism startups in combination with digitalization. It is working to bring into full play advantages in waterway and eco-tourism, while paying attention to natural conservation.

Total revenue from community-based tourism between 2016 and 2020 stood at some 1.8 billion USD./.