Director of the Administrative Procedures Control Agency Ngo HaiPhan said that the results of the simplification of business regulations hadnot met the Government’s requirements.
Some ministries had not updated changes in regulations adequately,accurately and promptly on their portals, he said, adding that many remainedslow in raising proposals for simplifying business regulations to the PrimeMinister.
Although the Government’s Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated May 12,2020, about the programme to reduce and simplify business regulations in the2020-2025 period had been in effect for three years, which targeted to simplifyat least 20% of the business regulations, some ministries had not submittedtheir simplification plan to the Government, he said.
Phan said that these problems were caused by the lack of drasticmeasures and the lack of active cooperation between relevant ministries andagencies, as well as the lack of accountability.
He said that to effectively implement and create breakthroughs ininstitutional reforms, Phan urged ministries and agencies to hasten the effortof simplifying business regulations following Resolution No. 68.
It was necessary to consult associations, businesses and those tobe affected by the business regulation simplification plan to thoroughly removeregulations which were creating administrative burdens on production andbusiness, he said. He stressed that simplifying business regulations did notmean erecting new barriers to businesses.
The Ministry of Justice said that during the past two years, theministry focused on reviewing administrative procedures for simplification.From 2021-22, the ministry slashed 43 regulations.
The Ministry of Information and Communications said that theministry was encountering difficulties in calculating compliance costs.
Statistics of the Administrative Procedures Control Agency showedthat in the first six months of this year, 92 regulations residing in eightlegal documents were simplified or reduced, bringing the total number ofregulations which were simplified or reduced from 2021 to date to 2,234 in 179legal documents.
As of June 20, the existing regulations updated on the portalabout business regulations at the address https://thamvanquydinh.gov.vn totalled17,845 regulations./.