Electric cars carry visitors around Sa Dec flower village

Electric cars have already taken thousands of foreign and local visitors to Sa Dec flower village in the Mekong province of Dong Thap after the service was launched on January 10.
Electric cars carry visitors around Sa Dec flower village ảnh 1Electric cars operating on Sa Dec Flower Road in ​Dong Thap Province (Photo:VNA)
Dong Thap (VNA) - Electric cars have already taken thousands of foreign and local visitors to Sa Dec flower village in the Mekong province of Dong Thap after the service was launched on January 10.

Six cars, each able to carry seven passengers, glide along the 2km flower street, allowing visitors to see the abundant flowers and take photos.

A tour of the village costs 40,000 VND (1.7 USD) for adults and 20,000 VND for children.

For over 100 years, Sa Dec Flower Village located near the Tien River, a tributary of the Mekong River, has been well known as the land of thousands of varieties of exotic flowers and strange plants.

Coming to the flower village of Sa Dec at anytime of the year, tourists seem to be lost in a fairyland, full of colours and aromas of diverse flowers and plants, namely dahlia, hydrangeas, orchids, areca, wrightia religiosa, Hibiskus rosa-sinensis and African marigold. The village also boasts several varieties of roses with different colours of red, violet, pink, white and orange.

One of the most typical features of Sa Dec, which is different from other flower growing villages, is that Sa Dec villagers grow flowers all year round on shelves.

Thanks to a favourable climate and fertile soil together with the great passion of locals for flowers, the trade of growing flowers has strongly developed and turned the village into the largest flower growing area in the south, bringing a great economic benefit to the locals. Each household can earn hundreds of millions of dong from each hectare of flowers.-VNA

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