In his opening remarks, PM Phuc affirmed that entrepreneursand intellectuals have made great contributions to the national development.
To stand shoulder to shoulder with powers around the world,Vietnam must have strong businesses and competitive brands at the regional andglobal levels, and competent human resources who can undertake great jobs ofthe country, he stressed.
To that end, it is necessary to free all resources andpotential of and mobilise the strength of nearly 100 million Vietnamese people, including overseas Vietnamese, and at the same time attract and bring into full play internationalresources from integration and globalisation and from both direct and indirectinvestments, the PM stated.
According to the government leader, after more than 30 years of Doi moi(Renewal), Vietnam has achieved a lot of successes in all fields, particularlystable macro-economy, improved living standards of people, and theirincreasing trust in the leadership of the Party and the management of theState.
However, the country is still facing many challenges in itsroadmap to become a developed country by 2045, he noted.
The Government leader asked all people to trust in thenation’s strength and in their endurance, and stay resolute to overcome anydifficulties to gain brighter future.
That is the reason why the Government initiated and willregularly organise the “Dialogue 2045” programme to nurture confidence andconsensus of all people to realise the goal of building a strong and prosperouscountry which is able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with powers around theworld in 2045 as set out in the Resolution of the 13th NationalParty Congress, he said.
To achieve this goal, Chairman and CEO of Masan Group NguyenDang Quang suggested developing supply and distribution infrastructuresynchronously, and quickly transforming into a digital economy.
Meanwhile, Truong Gia Binh, head of the board for privateeconomic development studies under the Prime Minister’s Administrative ProcedureReform Advisory Council, stressed the importance of inspiring the desire tomake the country strong and prosperous in each person and each entrepreneur.
The Government should believe in the business community andcreate favourable conditions for them to develop further, he added.
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Chairwoman and CEO of Sovico Group,proposed the Government focus development on the private sector by supportingmajor private groups and promoting the development of small- and medium-sizedenterprises, the rural and agricultural sector and start-ups.
Appreciating entrepreneurs’ proposals, PM Phuc assignedministries, sectors and localities to concretize them into specific solutionsto address issues.
In addition to economic development targets, he alsostressed the role of the protection of the living environment and the preservationof culture and the spiritual values of the nation./.