European businesses’ confidence in Vietnam up: survey

The 15th quarterly EuroCham Business Climate Index (BCI) survey has shown a significant improvement in business confidence and outlook among European enterprises in Vietnam.
The 15th quarterly EuroCham Business Climate Index (BCI) survey has shown a significant improvement in business confidence and outlook among European enterprises in Vietnam.

The index in the second quarter of the year increased by 7 points from the previous quarter to 66 points, according to the survey released on June 17.

It found that 44 percent of respondents reported satisfactory business outcomes, while the number of businesses having unsatisfactory outcomes decreased from 29 percent in the first quarter to 21 percent.

Besides, 81 percent of enterprises questioned said that they will maintain or increase their investment.

In the second quarter, the European business community showed their high expectation of the practicability of a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Union and the performance of the recently-launched Vietnam Automated Cargo and Port Consolidated System and the Vietnam Customs Information System.

The survey also pointed out that the formation of an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 will have certain impact on the competitiveness between Vietnam and other ASEAN members, adding low labour cost is one of the main reasons encouraging European companies to invest in Vietnam.

EuroCham Executive Director Csaba Bundik said that the chamber will do its utmost to coordinate with the Vietnamese Government to put forward measures supporting enterprises and ensuring a clear business environment.-VNA

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