Hanoi (VNA) -Thu Vong Nguyet, the biggest cultural event celebrating the Mid-AutumnFestival, will be held at Hanoi’s Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature) fromSeptember 29 to October 1.
The event, to be held for the first time, aims to combine the festivities ofthe past and present, old and new, traditional and modern.
It is organised by the Quan An Ngon Restaurant chain, with support from the HanoiPeople’s Committee, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Van MieuManagement Board.
The celebration is expected to include nearly 500 artists, including folkartisans, cultural and historical researchers, fashion designers and manyothers.
Pham Thi Bich Hanh, owner and general director of the Quan An Ngon Resturantchain, said children will have the chance to discover a giant dragon egg,appearing for the first time in Hanoi.
“Artisans from across the nation will join in cutting and trimming fruit, anddesigning the mid-Autumn tray of the past and present, making traditional mooncakes, and showing off their skills to visitors, particularly children,” shesaid.
[New kinds of mooncakes ready]
Hanoian Hoang Thu Hang, said “both adults and children are very excited for theevent because the festival will let children have a chance to enjoy traditionalgames and food while adults remember to Mid-Autumns of the past.”
Hang’s son, Anh Thai, 12, said his younger sister and friends will attend thefestival and play traditional games such as o ăn quan (mandarin squarecapturing), ban bi (marbles), rong ran len may (dragon dance) and nhay day(rope skipping).
“But most are excited to join in with activities like helping artisans to makelanterns, marks and toy figurines,” said Thai.
The festival not only brings joy to children but also offers families theopportunity to gather at the Temple of Literature and exchange views andremember the old Mid-Autumn festivals. Talks and documents by historicalresearcher Duong Trung Quoc, Dr Nguyen Nha and cultural and traditional folkresearcher Trinh Bach will entertain and educate visitors, said Hanh.
“We aim to restore and preserve our traditional activities to welcome the mid-Autumnfestival, it’s like a really big Tet for children,” Bach said.
In addition, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a play titled Dongsong anh sang (The River of Light) by leading artists and watch an Ao Daifashion show by renowned designers Anh Thu, Ha Linh Thu and Duc Hung.
An official from the Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said thehuge event not only captures the characteristics of Hanoi but also popularisesfolk culture and preservation of national spirit.
The three-day event is expected to welcome thousands of local and foreignvisitors.-VNA