Experiencing a day visiting the cluster of three beautiful landscapes in Phu Yen

Due to the favorable geographical location, located on the same road, three scenic spots which are Ganh Da Dia, Ganh Den lighthouse, and Xep beach for many years have become an iconic tourist cluster of the land of "Yellow flowers on green grass" of Phu Yen.

Due to the favorable geographical location, located on the same road, three scenic spots which are Ganh Da Dia, Ganh Den lighthouse, and Xep beach for many years have become an iconic tourist cluster of the land of "Yellow flowers on green grass" of Phu Yen.

For those who love traveling, it is said that: "Whenever you take pictures, you will have good ones".

From a distance, Ganh Da Dia looks like a giant honeycomb with prismatic rocks arranged in a row over the sea. There are places where the stones are stacked high and straight, then there is a place where the rocks are stretched and tilted like a stack of dishes. Perhaps that the reason why this place is named Ganh Da Dia.

This arrangement is so perfect that many people will think that it is created by human hands, but this is a special gift that nature gives to the romantic land of Phu Yen. Many studies have shown that the rocks are up to 200 million years old, due to volcanic activities in the Van Hoa platea. The erupting lava part leading to the sea meets seawater and the "allergy phenomenon" created this unique geology.

The wide stretch of this reef which has the same mysterious black, and majestic scenery when standing in front of the intersection between rocks, sea, and sky is an unforgettable experience when coming here.

If Ganh Da Dia has a mysterious beauty, only about 1km away, Ganh Den Lighthouse brings a majestic beauty and is considered one of the most beautiful lighthouses in Central Vietnam.

This lighthouse is located on a cliff made of many large and small pale pink rocks stretching from high mountains into the sea. The scenery here is like a beautiful picture, balanced by nature, one side is the immense sea while the other side is high mountains and sharp rocks, in the center is a lighthouse which is dotted with the fierce wave threw white foam in the sky.

Ganh Den lighthouse helps to navigate the entry and exit of boats on the waters of Phu Yen, and also oriented the way in and out of Xuan Dai Bay and Chao Valley.

Not far away is the last location of the scenic cluster, which is associated with the movie "Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass": Bai Xep. From the day the movie was shown in theaters, more and more people visited this destination. This place has a simple but equally majestic beauty when on one side is a high cliff standing down to the beach, above is a lyrical landscape with green grass, stretching and even hundreds of meters.

In the name of Phú Yên, each person may have different interpretations for the word "Phú", but many people will agree that the word "Yên" refers to "peaceful" because of these scenes./.