Experts urge lifting of foreign ownership limits to attract overseas capital

Vietnam should loosen restrictions on foreign ownership and encourage entrepreneurship in new and revolutionary industries to attract foreign capital, said experts.
Experts urge lifting of foreign ownership limits to attract overseas capital ảnh 1Nguyen The Minh, Director of Analysis Division at Yuanta Vietnam Securities Company (Photo: Yuanta Vietnam)
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Vietnam should loosen restrictions on foreign ownership and encourage entrepreneurship in new and revolutionary industries to attract foreign capital, said experts.

The statement was made by Yen Chen Hui, Chief Strategy Officer of Yuanta Securities Investment Consulting Co, during an online seminar themed “Stock market, an overview from the region to Vietnam, and post-pandemic opportunities”, held on June 10 by Yuanta Vietnam Securities Co.

Chen Hui said that for foreign investors, Vietnam’s stock market had a lot of investment potential but there were two points that need improvement.

Vietnam needed to ease foreign ownership caps as it was difficult for foreign investors to find a good stock with “room” for investment, such as FPT shares. This was a good stock but foreign investors could not buy more, he said.

The second problem was that listed businesses on the stock market in Vietnam were still mostly involved in traditional business. The country needed to encourage entrepreneurship in more trendy and revolutionary industries to fit in the new era, he said.

Nguyen The Minh, director of Analysis Division at Yuanta Vietnam Securities Co., also shared the same view.

“Foreign ownership is an issue for foreign investors when they want to invest in Vietnam’s stock market. Market capitalisation of listed companies remains small when compared to those in regional markets,” he said.

“Foreign investors also pay much attention to banking stocks and seek more investment opportunities in this group but they are still hindered by the limits in foreign ownership,” Minh said.

According to this expert, in the last three years, Vietnam’s banking system has been improved significantly, becoming more resilient from external “shocks”.

“Therefore, foreign investors highly value the management of the banking system and really wish to increase their ownership in bank stocks. But the foreign ownership cap makes it more difficult to attract foreign capital.

“Even State-owned banks want to increase capital to meet Basel II standards as required. The participation of strategic investment funds at these banks is limited because of the barriers in foreign ownership.

“Investors do really hope that in the near future the equitisation and listing of State-owned enterprises will be accelerated because this group of businesses has a strong financial background and plays a key role in the Vietnamese economy.

“The expansion in foreign ownership is also a prerequisite issue for Vietnam to get upgraded to the “emerging market” status from its current “frontier market” level. The Government needs to take this issue into serious consideration, especially removing the caps in the banking sector,” Minh said./.

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