Addressing a conference on trade promotion to the European market held by the Ministry of Industryand Trade (MoIT) held on November 25, he noted that Vietnam’s exports account foronly 2 percent of European imports.
Major exports from Vietnam with advantages in the marketinclude agricultural and aquatic products, processed foods, footwear, garments andtextiles, and some high value-added product categories, such as electrical products,electronics, telephones, equipment, and machinery.
Anh said there is still room for Vietnamese exporters and advised enterprises tooptimise their advantages in agricultural and aquatic products, garments and textiles,and footwear to quickly increase market share in the region. For seafood products,enterprises should pay attention to origin warnings. He added that the EU isnow increasing the frequency of checks on seafood exports from Vietnam.
The EU has 28 members but exports from Vietnam primarily go to just a fewcountries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France, and Austria.
That enterprises only focus on a few markets puts themat risk, especially when the market experiences fluctuations, as it did from COVID-19.It is therefore necessary to consider expanding market share throughout the region.According to a representative of the trade office in Sweden, Vietnamese enterprisescould immediately expand their market share in northern Europe, and products withgreat potential include garments for women, seafood, footwear, unroasted coffeebeans, and unshelled cashew nuts./.