Fair seeks ways to help supporting industry firms join global supply chains

The 2020 Sourcing Fair Supporting Industries (SFS 2020) was held on September 17 to help companies in supporting industries expand their markets and join global supply chains.
Fair seeks ways to help supporting industry firms join global supply chains ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) - The 2020 Sourcing Fair Supporting Industries (SFS 2020) was held on September 17 to help companies in supporting industries expand their markets and join global supply chains.

The fair was co-held by the HCM City Department of Industry and Trade, the city’s Export Processing Zone and Industrial Park Authority, and the Saigon Hi-tech Park (SHTP).

It saw the participation of 14 foreign-invested enterprises in electronics, manufacturing machinery, and advanced medical technology, most notably Samsung Electronics Vietnam, Bosch Vietnam, and Juki Vietnam.

There were more than 250 sessions held with some 60 enterprises in supporting industries in HCM City. Companies were offered contact with foreign businesses and manufacturers seeking to localise their products.

A fact-finding trip to factories of enterprises investing in the SHTP will be arranged for the city’s supporting industry firms within the framework of SFS 2020, according to Deputy Director of the HCM City Department of Industry and Trade Nguyen Phuong Dong.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc said HCM City has rolled out various measures over the years to assist firms in supporting industries./.


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