Fake designer leather products destroyed

Almost 2,400 leather products seized for being falsely labelled as designer brands were destroyed in Hanoi on October 22 morning.
Fake designer leather products destroyed ảnh 1Thousands of products seized for being falsely labelled as designer brands were destroyed on October 21 in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
- Almost 2,400 leather products seized for being falsely labelled as designer brands were destroyed in Hanoi on October 22 morning.

The products, which violated industrial property regulations, included 720 bags, 1,000 leather wallets, 39 belts, 19 wristlets and 6 watches, all of which had been tagged with fake luxury and high-street brand labels such as Dior, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and H&M.

The destruction was witnessed by the city’s economic police and inspectors from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In the last nine months, the ministry’s inspectors have conducted 48 inspections on industrial property nationwide, collected over 1.4 billion VND as fine and destroyed 205,444 products, including medicines, confectionaries, beverages, pesticides and fashion products.-VNA


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