Farmers hope to get rich from beekeeping

Beekeeping for honey production has recently developed in Chi Lang district, the northern border province of Lang Son, bringing high income for beekeepers, and contributed to the local socio-economic

Beekeeping for honey production has recently developed in Chi Lang district, the northern border province of Lang Son, bringing high income for beekeepers, and contributed to the local socio-economic development.

Previously, Hoàng Văn Toàn in Vân Thủy commune mainly earned his living from farming. Since a beekeeping for honey cooperative was set up in the locality in 2017, Toan joined in and is now having nearly 50 beehives.

Hoang Van Toan, Beekeeper in Van Thuy commune, Chi Lang district, Lang Son province: "After the cooperative was established, the honey yield has also improved. Each year, a beehive can produce as many as 10 litres of honey."

With the aim to build a regional trademark, the cooperative focuses on raising the honey bees naturally by visiting flower of dwarf umbrella tree and other natural flowers to produce seasonal honey.

Hoang Van Phach, Chairman of Van Thuy commune People’s Committee, Chi Lang district, Lang Son province: "After its establishment last year, the cooperative designed their own brand to sell on the market and got very good feedbacks from customers."

The cooperative now has 23 members with 500 beehives. Many of them produced as many as 100 litres of honey, raking in 877 – 1,700 USD last year.

Hoang Van Phuong, Chairman of honey beekeeping cooperative, Van Thuy commune, Chi Lang district, Lang Son province: "Our ancestors raised bee for honey for a long time ago, but the productivity is very low. After we made study trips to other neighbouring provinces,  we have improved the effectiveness of the farming."

The cooperative has gradually affirmed its trademark at regional agriculture exhibitions, thus bringing its members stable income.-VNA