The candidate vaccine will be also injected into 15 othervolunteers on March 25.
Earlier on March 15, the first six out of the total 120volunteers took their shots of the vaccine, with their overall health checkedon March 22. They are now in stable health conditions and doing their work asnormal.
All the volunteers will receive their second shots 28 daysafter the first.
Developed by the Institute of Vaccines and MedicalBiologicals (IVAC) since last May, COVIVAC is the result of cooperation betweenIVAC and a number of partners, including the Hanoi Medical University, theIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, the University ofTexas in Austin, and the US-based health organisation PATH.
Using primary chicken embryo cell culture - a technique theinstitute used previously to successfully produce seasonal flu vaccines - it isthe second “made-in-Vietnam” candidate vaccine tested on humans.
The Nanogen Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Company earliercompleted the first phase of human trials of its NanoCovax vaccine and beganthe second phase on February 26./.