Financial-monetary advisory council asked to consult in major projects

The National Council for Financial and Monetary Policy Consultation should promote its advisory role in major projects in the field.
Financial-monetary advisory council asked to consult in major projects ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The National Council for Financial and Monetary Policy Consultation should promote its advisory role in major projects in the field, suggested Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue during a meeting with the council’s members on May 31.

Deputy PM Hue, who is also head of the council, requested the council to focus on proposals to re-distribute the State budget, restructure the public debt and tackle bad debts in credit organisations.

The agency should also work on projects to mobilise gold and prevent dollarization, and consider the restructuring of State-owned enterprises to strengthen transparency, he added.

Under the PM’s Decision 59/2011/QD-TTg, the council is designed to advise the Government and the PM on major policies, projects and proposals as well as other important issues in the fields of finance and monetary management at the macroscopic level.

According to Deputy PM Hue, the council serves as a mechanism to bring together managers and researchers in the area to provide consultations in macro-economy management.

As scheduled, the fist meeting of the council is slated for June, aiming to review the macro-economic management in the first half of this year and give advice to the government and PM on how to fulfil targets for the rest of the year.

The building of a working agenda for the whole tenure of the council will also be discussed.

Deputy PM Hue also asked members of the council to give ideas on how Vietnam should manage financial and fiscal policies when Vietnam joins the ASEAN Economic Community.-VNA


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