HCMCity (VNA) - International investors, including those from Denmark,are really keen on exploring Vietnam’s market with untapped huge potentials forwind power development, said Bo Monsted, Commercial Counsellor at theDanish Embassy in Vietnam.
Investmentin renewable energy is in line with Vietnam’s policy on developing alternativeenergy sources to ensure energy security and protect the environment, Monstedsaid at a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on December 5.
Withits experience and expertise in the field, Denmark wants to share newtechnologies with Vietnam, he affirmed.
PhamTrong Thuc, a representative of the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade,said the Government of Vietnam has encouraged capable international enterprisesto invest in wind power, thus transferring their technologies to localproducers, adding that numerous incentives will be offered to them.
Theworkshop is an opportunity to introduce the country’s wind power potentials andincentives for investors in the field, Thuc said.
Vietnam’swind power potentials have not been fully tapped, particularly in the centralregion. There are only four operating projects, with a combined capacity of over159 MW.
Theprice of wind power in Vietnam remains low, but this is not the biggest concernfor investors, said Nguyen Viet Dung, Director of the Vestas Vietnam Company.
Dungsaid wind resources are crucial to the success of a wind power project, addingthat with high wind reserves, wind power projects in Vietnam are reallyattractive to investors.
Healso emphasised competition in the sector, saying that investors have to useadvanced technologies to ensure their projects are effective.-VNA