Da Nang (VNA) - The Bach Khoa Investment and Development of SolarPower Corporation (SolarBK Group) is the only Vietnamese business participatingin the Future of Energy Summit, organised by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, inShanghai, China on November 28-29.
Nguyen Duong Tuan, founder and CEO of SolarBK Group, said he would join a paneldiscussion themed "Vietnam’s Energy: Growth and Opportunities", atthe two-day meeting.
Tuan said SolarBK has recently been awarded a license for the first‘all-Vietnamese’ utility scale solar project in Da Nang, with a capacity of4.4MW, and commissioned a number of rooftop projects in Vietnam.
“We’ll join discussions on the opportunity for rooftop scale projects in Vietnamand the challenge of low retail tariffs while proposing such projects. We willalso raise concerns on the management of credit risk, dispatch risk, as well asfinancing sources for projects,” Tuan said.
[Vietnam plans major solar power growth]
He said the World Bank and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) of Vietnamwill implement a pilot programme to auction solar power with a floor price of 0.0935USD per KWh, with an aim at accelerating the development of registeredprojects, while simultaneously luring in more new investment capital.
The HCM City-based group also launched a solar-powered lighting system andsolar powered sea-water filtration system on Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly)Islands and Song Tu Tay Island off the coast of Khanh Hoa province in 2014, andAn Binh Islet of Ly Son Island in Quang Ngai province.
In October, IREX Energy Joint Stock Company, a member of SolarBK Group,received orders for providing a One-Stop-Shop package, including solar powercells, panels, installation, a smart monitoring system (Solar System OperationCentre) and guarantees for customers in North America with total capacity of300MWp (photo-voltaic cells).
The company has been developing solar-powered water heaters, wind powerturbines, solar power-driven sea water filter systems and renewable usesolutions.
Since April this year, with the issuance of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’sDecision 11/2017, solar power projects have been allowed to sell electricity ata fixed price of 0.0935 USD per kWh.-VNA