During the same period last year, 156 forest fires were reported nationwide,destroying 930 ha of forest. Notably, the total area of destroyed forestlast year increased by 64 percent compared with the figures of the firsthalf of 2018.
According to the Forestry Department under the Ministry of Agriculture andRural Development, last year’s peak for forest fires fell between June 26 andJuly 1, mostly in the central provinces of Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, QuangTri, Thua Thien-Hue, Da Nag, Quang Ngai and Phu Yen.
Now with northern and central provinces faced with a heatwave forecast tolast days, the risk of forest fires has increased.
The National Centre for Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting on July 9 reported thatmost northern provinces on July 8 experienced temperatures up to 38 degreeCelsius, while central provinces from Thanh Hoa to Phu Yen saw the mercuryrise to more than 39 degrees Celsius in some areas.
The temperature was reportedly higher on July 9 as provinces from Thanh Hoa toQuang Tri saw 37-40 degrees Celsius and even more than 40 degrees in someareas.
The weather forecasting centre said the heatwave would continue.
Meanwhile, in the central province of Thanh Hoa, on July 9, a forest firelasted more than seven hours in two communes – Hai Nhan and Ninh Hai – inTinh Gia district.
The fire started at noon and spread to an area of about 50 ha.
Earlier, on June 29, a fire raged for six hours in the central province of NgheAn. It began at about 8pm in a pine forest in Dien Chau district’s Dien An commune.Hot weather and strong winds caused the fire to spread over dozens of hectaresof pine forest. More than 200 households who live near the fire were evacuated.
On the same evening, another forest fire happened in An Phu commune, Vu Quang districtin the neighbouring province of Ha Tinh. The fire then spread to two communes –Son Long and Son Tra – in Huong Son district. It took nearly two days tocontrol the fire.
Dozens of hectares of pine and acacia forest on Son Thanh commune, Yen Thanh district,Nghe An province were destroyed by fire.
Prolonged heat with temperature up to 43 degrees Celsius in central coastalareas in the last 12 days of June was blamed as the main cause of forest fires.
High temperatures and humidity of less than 30 percent made forests morevulnerable to fire and once the fires happened, it was hard to extinguish them.
Poor quality of forests has been mentioned as a factor that increases the riskof forest fires in central provinces, Vietnam News Agency reported early thisweek.
In central Vietnam, primary forests account for only 7 percent of totalforests and the remaining forests are secondary forests.
Of the secondary forests, impoverished ones account for about 70 percent.
The secondary forests are said to be more sensitive to fire than primary ones.
Pine forest, Melaleuca forests, bamboo forests, eucalyptus forest, dipterocarpforest are easily flammable. These kinds of trees are very common in thecentral region with a total area of nearly 6 million hectares.
Human activities, especially burning in forest areas, also cause forestfires.
According to Nghe An province’s Forest Protection Division, four out of nineforest fires in the province since the beginning of this year were related tohuman activities.
Modest funding, lack of equipment and staff are also problems in forestfire prevention and control.
Since 2011, Vietnam hasbeen implementing a national payment for forest environmental services(PFES) scheme that has mobilised thousands of households to protect andmanage more than 5 million hectares of forest land.
More than 230 million USD has been disbursed to participating households in 40provinces and the socioeconomic and conservation benefits have beenwell-regarded.
PFES schemes are based on environmental service ‘users’ rewarding orcompensating ‘providers’ of those environmental services.
The northern mountainous province of Son La has run PFES since 2009.
Out of 637,018ha of forest in the province, 537,000ha has been protected anddeveloped with funding from the PFES policy, thus, the quality of forest andforest biodiversity has improved regularly.
In the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau, PFES alsohelps reduce forest fires.
Task forces were established at every commune in the province, responsible forpatrolling and protecting certain forest areas as well as detectingpotential risks/violations. The task forces are paid with the funding fromPFES.
Vang Thi Thanh, Chairwoman of the Num Nua commune People’s Committee in Muong Tedistrict, said local authorities strengthened communicating on forest fireprevention and control to local residents, especially during the dry season.
More than 4,000ha of forest in the commune was protected by its task forces.
According to the Muong Te district People’s Committee, it set up126 task forces specialising in forest fire prevention and control. For thelast few years, no forest fires have hit the district./.