Hanoi (VNA) – Two Vietnamese were killed and twoother workers also from Vietnam were injured in an explosion that occurred at achemical plant in Wonju city, the east of the Republic of Korea (RoK), onNovember 10.
The RoK’s Yonhap News Agency reported that theincident took place at around 9:45am (Korea time), sending out plumes of blacksmoke from the plant of the Foosung Precision Industry Co., which makesfluoropolymer lined tanks, pipes and valves.
A worker in his 20s suffered third-degree burnsto his face, while the other surviving worker in his 30s had second-degreeburns to his legs and a broken left leg, a fire-fighting official said, addingthat the two dead were taken to Wonju Medical Centre.
An official of the Wonju Severance Christian Hospitalsaid treatment was underway for the injured but did not provide any furtherdetails on their medical conditions.
An official of the Foosung Precision Industrydeclined to give any details of the incident.
This company said its fluoropolymer products areused in semiconductors, petrochemical engineering, food processing, pharmacy,papermaking and metal treatment, according to Yonhap.-VNA