Hanoi (VNA) - Twelve artists from BeClown will perform a contemporary circus show, taking the audience on atimeless journey away from everyday reality, in Hanoi on May 5.
The story of Pe1tole! (Windless, A DeadCalm Sea) will offer a sensory and emotionally stirring experience usingclowns, live music, and visual effects, together with circus arts such asacrobatics and Chinese pole, rope and aerial silk.
The show is the fruit of an art residentproject in Vu Linh commune, Yen Binh district in Yen Bai province, initiated byBe Clown founders Charly Lanthiez and Soline Varreon. Lanthiez and Varreon havebeen traveling on their bicycles throughout Europe playing their clown duo forhundreds of children in orphanages, schools, refugee camps and on the streets.
After a five-month tour with a circus basedin Hungary and Slovenia, the two decided to open their project to other artistsand create a clownish circus show with the goal of performing around the world.They want to create a show for all ages that mixes circus, clowns and theatretechniques, using several artists.
The artists decided to construct a theatreby helping in an existing project in the area. The theatre is now thecornerstone of the Be Clown Circus in Vietnam.
"For us, there was this fundamentalnecessity to feel we were serving a real cause in this search for humanity thathas guided our footsteps for many years,” said Varreon, the projectcoordinator. She is a clown and performs aerial silk as well as music."Above all, our wish is to meet people who live in remote places to offerthem a moment of art and magic."
After a long search, and with support fromFrench-Vietnamese Fredo Binh, the artists found a place in Vu Linh commune thatsuited their needs. This place is called LaVieVuLinh.
Bình has been a circus lover for many yearsand has dreamed opening a circus. Lanthiez and Varreon decided to follow hisdream and collaborate in this long-term and local project by helping Binh inthe construction of a circus theatre.
The circus theatre is made mainly frombamboo, and is a part of an already existing rural development project, beingcarried out on a long-term basis. The circus aims to bring in other local andinternational artists in the future.
The artists intend to repeat the project ina collective manner around the world. The current project has been runningsince December of last year and has toured in Yen Bai province; Hanoi, Hue, DaNang, Vientiane and Luang Prabang.-VNA