A workshop on labelling systems between experts from Vietnam andThailand—an experienced country that established its green label in1997—was held in Hanoi, on March 16.
Nguyen ThuHa, a representative from a research group at the EnvironmentalAdministration, said eligible businesses meeting the initial 14 criteriaof the system would benefit greatly from the label.
She said approved green products will receive subsidies from thegovernment and priority on the lists of commodities chosen for publicpurchase. Chosen companies will also be exempt from export duty.
Currently, there are only three accredited enterprises in Vietnam,including Dien Quang Lamp JSC, Jotun Paints (Vietnam) Co. Ltd, and FujiXerox Vietnam Co. Ltd.
According to SirithanPairoj-Boroboon, Executive Director of Thailand Greenhouse GasManagement Organisation, criteria for the eco-label in his country haveincreased to 97 specifications last year from 14 in 1997, and areexpected to reach 103 this year. Each company is in charge of itsregistration procedure to obtain the certification, he said.
The workshop, part of a promotion campaign for a green tag inVietnam, was co-hosted by the ASEAN Vinyl Council and the research groupfrom the Environmental Administration.-VNA