Hai Duong closes temporary hospital for COVID-19 treatment

The temporary hospital for COVID-19 treatment No 2 in northern Hai Duong province was dissolved on March 28, after the outbreak in the biggest hotspot of the latest coronavirus resurgence had been brought under control.
Hai Duong closes temporary hospital for COVID-19 treatment ảnh 1Officials of Hai Duong province (R) present flowers to thank the Hanoi-based Bach Mai Hospital for assisting the temporary hospital for COVID-19 treatment No 2 (Photo: VNA)
Hai Duong (VNA) – The temporary hospital for COVID-19 treatment No 2 in northern Hai Duong province was dissolved on March 28, after the outbreak in the biggest hotspot of the latest coronavirus resurgence had been brought under control.

The hospital, converted from the Hospital of the Hai Duong Medical Technical University in Hai Duong city, received the first COVID-19 patients on January 29.

During the past two months, it gave treatment to 376 patients, including 55 children, 36 others aged over 60, and 38 with underlying health conditions. The oldest is 92 years old and the youngest 21 days old.

As many as 323 patients have recovered and been discharged from hospital while the remaining 53 have been sent to other healthcare establishments in Hai Duong province for further treatment.

Assoc. Prof. and Dr Dinh Thi Dieu Hang, Rector of the Hai Duong Medical Technical University, said the temporary hospital was equipped with all modern equipment necessary for COVID-19 treatment.

Apart from specialised and personnel assistance from the Hanoi-based Bach Mai Hospital and 116 medical professionals of Hai Duong province, the university also mobilised nearly 900 of its employees and students to help with treatment, contact tracing, and testing, she noted.

After the temporary hospital’s dissolution, the university hospital will be disinfected and resume normal activities.

As of 5pm on March 27, Hai Duong province had recorded 726 cases of COVID-19 in the new outbreak, including 621 recoveries and no deaths.

Only 144 people having direct contact with confirmed cases are being monitored at concentrated quarantine sites, and 186 others with close contact with them are under quarantine at home or accommodation facilities at present, according to the provincial centre for disease control./.

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