Tokyo (VNA) – A delegation of Hai Phong city ledby Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Le Tien Chau paid aworking trip to the Japanese prefecture of Chiba on June 16.
Governor of Chiba prefecture Toshihito Kumagai welcomed the delegation's visit which coincided with the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japandiplomatic ties. He informed them about Chiba's socio-economicsituation and the Hai Phong community in the prefecture.
Chau suggested Chiba share experience in the development,management and efficient operation of seaports, towards signing cooperation agreementsfor future development in the near future.
At a working session with Aeon Mall group on the same day, Soichi Okazaki, Executive Officer in charge of ASEAN Business of the Company, highlighted the city’s support for theconstruction of Aeon Mall Le Chan Hai Phong, making it a prominent symbol in the group'spromotional activities.
He pledged that Aeon Mall will carry out even moreactivities in celebration of the 50th anniversary of bilateraldiplomatic ties this year.
Chau suggested the Japanese giant retailer continue expandingoperations in Hai Phong, with a specific goal of building the second Aeon Mallin the city.
Hai Phong commits all possible support to Aeon Mall duringthe project implementation process, he said.
At a working session with Senior Vice President of the JapanInternational Cooperation Agency (JICA) Keiichiro Nakazawa on June 15, Chau proposed JICA offer assistance to two projects on the sustainable developmentof the Southeast of Hai Phong in adaptation with climate change, and the construction and upgrade of medical stations in the districts of Do Son, An Lao, AnDuong, Tien Lang, Kien Thuy and Vinh Bao.
The two sides also discussed the city's proposals andJICA's orientations to development support in the future.
Working with the Sojitz Corporation, Chau suggested the company invest in an industrial park in Hai Phong and affirmed that the city's authorities would accompany and support Sojitz throughout the investment process.
Hai Phong wishes to cooperate with Sojitz in various areas suchas deep-water ports and healthcare, he said, suggesting CEO Fujitomo Masayoshi, who isalso Co-Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Economic Committee of the Japan BusinessFederation (KEIDAIREN), convey Hai Phong's projects calling for investment to Japanese enterprises./.