Hanoi (VNA) - Hanoi is attemptingto cut total energy consumption by 5 - 7 percent and bring electricity losses downto less than 4 percent by 2025, according to the municipal Department ofIndustry and Trade.
These are the targets Hanoi is aiming for underthe national energy efficiency programme, which will be implemented in thecapital using 130 billion VND (nearly 5.6 million USD) from the local budget.
The department said Hanoi has already taken thelead in implementing the national programme, as seen in its Earth Houractivities, its support for enterprises to improve energy efficiency to boostproduct competitiveness, and its promotion of power-saving efforts intransport, services, and daily activities.
To cut power losses, the city targets that, by2025, all key transport businesses will have carried out programmes on fuel-savingdriving skills for workers and applied technical solutions on saving energy invehicle use.
It expects all companies at local industrialparks and clusters, along with 80 percent of rural industrial facilities andcraft villages, to access and apply energy efficiency solutions. All majorenergy consumers are also expected to use standardised energy managementsystems.
Hanoi is also working to ensure compliance by newconstructions with the national technical standards for energy efficiency inbuildings, the department noted.
It added that the capital aims to have 330establishments and constructions recognised as having “green” energy and energyefficiency by 2025, and at least two or three named “green” and energyefficient constructions at the national level each year.
In implementing the national energy efficiencyprogramme, Hanoi is also looking to cut energy consumption by industry comparedto the 2016-2020 period.
In particular, it plans to reduce the amount of energyuse in textile and garment manufacturing by at least 5 percent, in the productionof alcohol and other beverages by 3 - 6.88 percent, in the paper industry by 8 -15.8 percent, in the chemical industry by at least 7 percent, and in plasticsproduction by 18 - 22.46 percent.
Hanoi also hopes that 60 percent of localschools will step up communications regarding and teach students about energyefficiency by 2025.
The Department of Industry and Trade noted thatin order to encourage local organisations, businesses, and people to use energyefficiently, since the beginning of this year authorities have worked to callfor power-saving practices, participation in the Earth Hour campaign, the replacementof tungsten lamps with LED bulbs, and the installation of rooftop solar panels.
It also sent text messages with tips on saving electricityto 100,000 households with high consumption in May, when strong heat waves wererecorded, and believes energy efficiency solutions need to be implementedsynchronously throughout the city to generate practical outcomes.
The national energy efficiency programme aims toreduce energy use by 5 - 7 percent between 2019 and 2025 and 8 - 10 percent inthe 2019 - 2030 period, or around 60 tonnes of oil equivalent (ToE).
By 2025, the programme is to cut power losses toless than 6.5 percent and reduce average energy consumption by industrycompared to the 2015 - 2018 period.
It will ensure that 70 percent of industrialparks and 50 percent of industrial clusters apply solutions to use energyeconomically and efficiently; that all key energy users apply standardisedenergy management systems; and that all key transport companies provide coursesto improve worker skills in operating vehicles in an energy-saving manner.
From 2006 to 2015, the national energyefficiency programme helped Vietnam save more than 15 ToEs of energy and cuttotal energy consumption nationwide by 3.4 percent and 5.65 percent,respectively, in 2006 - 2010 and 2011 - 2015. The country has saved more than 9billion kWh of electricity on average each year, equivalent to 15 trillionVND./.